2020-21 Not for Profit Salary Benchmarking
Since 1999 Enterprise Care has been conducting the Not for Profit Salary Survey. Accordingly, the resultant annual NFP Remuneration Report has wide acclaim. For over twenty years our Report has been providing valuable salary data for the NFP sector.
This year we transform the NFP Remuneration Report into an online portal for the not-for-profit (NFP) sector. The first of its kind in Australia, this interactive digital platform will support NFPs in shaping defensible pay strategies and attracting high performing talent.
The portal covers a broad range of functions and positions from Board members, CEOs and Executives, to Managers, and lower operational levels. As a result, it is an indispensable tool for NFP salary benchmarking.
So, how competitive are your remuneration packages? The 2020-21 Enterprise Care Not for Profit Remuneration Online Portal has the answer.
Not only does the this allow you to benchmark data from the most recent financial year, it also includes 10-year trend analysis.
In addition, salary information are shown across key categories for each position covering many organisation profile and role profile elements.
As mentioned before, the Portal covers a broad range of positions and levels within each Function.
20 Functions covered. Board and Executive have 3 Role Levels and all other 18 functions have 4 Role Levels.
So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to the Portal now, and benefit from having this vital resource at your fingertips.
You can then be confident that your remuneration decisions accurately reflect the latest NFP salary trends in Australia.