Instrument of Delegation | Governance Solutions


Instrument of Delegation


Instrument of Delegation

  • Do you have a policy authorising your staff delegation?
  • If your CEO is absent, do you know who’s authorised to make decisions?
  • Does the Board understand the chain of command in the office?

If you answered no to any one of these questions you may need an Instrument of Delegation.

This template allows you to document the decision-making structure of your organisation. Provided as a table and broken down into logical categories such as properties/assets/equipment and finance/accounting, this template allows you to document who can make decisions and act in each of the areas of your business.

This comprehensive document is fully-editable, allowing you to customise and adapt it to your own organisation’s needs. Let the document grow over time, and incorporate the table into your policies and procedures.

In today’s fast-moving environment you can’t afford delays. This policy document will ensure that all persons within your organisation understand the decision-making structure, and act accordingly within their areas of responsibility.