Induction of a new Board member is a vital step in the process of achieving your organisation’s goals and objectives. It is crucial in ensuring that your new Board member becomes a valued contributor to the organisation, and that they become fully effective as quickly as possible.
A Board member’s role is multi-faceted, and needs to be undertaken with a full knowledge of the obligations, the risks and the issues relevant to the organisation.
This publication includes practical and up-to-date information on topics every new Board member should be aware of, as well as a comprehensive checklist for creating your own induction manual.
Topics Covered
What prospective and new Board members should know and understand, including:
- organisational inheritance;
- Associations incorporation legislation;
- Corporations Act 2001;
- legal responsibilities;
- conflict of interest;
- role of the Board and Directors;
- Code of Conduct;
- risk management;
- relations between Board and staff; and
- performance measurement framework.
Plus sample documents on:
- roles and responsibilities;
- job descriptions;
- Code of Conduct;
- Board/staff communications policy; and
- Board training needs evaluation tool.