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The WIIFM Lure

When we think of remuneration, our minds often jump straight to what are the salary figures. However, the true value of a remuneration package is now recognised as extending far beyond the monetary item.

Non-monetary components of remuneration play a crucial role in attracting, retaining and motivating employees. Let’s delve into the breadth of possible options as well as why these benefits can be so important in adding a sense of value for both employees and employers.

Attaining a Work-Life Harmony

One of the most sought-after non-monetary benefits is the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This harmony is highly valued and has meant the blurring and even merging of the start of one and the finish of the other.

Enabling employees to manage their personal and professional lives far more seamlessly and effectively demands consideration for:

  • flexible working hours
  • remote work options and
  • more generous leave policies

The offer of flexible work hours whenever it is possible, enables employers to accommodate the different lifestyles and personal commitments of employees. This can lead to higher job satisfaction, reduction of stress that many employees experience, as well as possibly increasing a person’s productivity.

Professional Development

Opportunities for professional growth are highly valued by employees. Companies that invest in:

  • training programs
  • workshops and
  • educational assistance

demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ long-term career development. This investment not only enhances employees’ skills but also fosters loyalty and reduces turnover.

Health and Wellness Programs

Health and wellness benefits, such as:

  • gym memberships
  • mental health support and wellness initiatives

contribute significantly to employees’ overall well-being. A healthy workforce is more productive and engaged, leading to better performance and reduced absenteeism.

Work-Life Integration

Beyond work-life balance, work-life integration focuses on blending personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. This can include on-site childcare, family-friendly policies, and support for personal interests and hobbies. The obvious message coming from this is that the company is aware of and prepared to embrace benefits that can directly help employees feel supported in all aspects of their lives.

Recognition and Rewards

More challenging than it sometimes ought to be, acknowledging employees’ hard work and achievements through recognition programs, award, and other forms of appreciation can have a multiplier impact on morale. People who are feeling valued and appreciated will also feel a boost in their motivation. It is linked to strongly encouraging a positive work environment.

Work Environment and Culture

While widely accepted that a positive work environment and a strong organisational culture is invaluable, it continues often to be a hit and miss affair. However, companies that openly and consistently foster a collaborative, inclusive and supportive culture end up creating a stronger sense of belonging and purpose among their employees. This in turn generally leads to measurable uplifts in levels of employee engagement and job satisfaction.

Communal Employee Perks

Some organisations regularly make available a communal fresh fruit and/or snacks or a Friday barbecue lunch or maybe recreational activities, all of which may seem minor, but they can greatly enhance the overall employee experience.

Being regular in any of these is more important than being over the top. Hence stocking of the lunch or meals or break room with healthy snacks, gourmet coffees and teas can attract staff to stay and chat which has its own benefits.

Whether it is possible, consideration may even extend to adding amenities like meditation spaces to create a more enjoyable work environment.

In essence, these perks send a powerful message that the company cares about its employees’ comfort and convenience, which can be in itself a significant morale booster.

Creative Employee Perks

Employee perks may also be more personal while still retaining their importance for an individual employee. Some innovative ideas that can enhance your organisation’s workplace include:

  • Sabbatical Leave

Offering extended paid time off for professional development can give employees a much-needed break and an opportunity to pursue mutually aligned work goals or interests. This may provide for an increase in an employee’s loyalty and/or contribute to addressing any issues of burnout.

  • Well-Being Allowance

Provide a well-being allowance that employees can use for various wellness activities. These activities may include:

    • fitness classes
    • spa visits
    • gym membership or
    • mental health support
  • Remote Work Options

Allowing employees to work remotely can improve work-life balance and reduce stress. It also demonstrates trust and flexibility, which can boost engagement and motivation

  • Employee-Chosen Benefits

Enhancing how an offering is perceived can be achieved through the involvement of employees in any decisions concerning the chosen benefits. This has the benefit that the perks are not only relevant but more highly valued by the employee. If it leads to those benefits being more utilised by the employees then there will be a greater sense of value and therefore satisfaction among staff.

  • Wellness Activities

Organise wellness activities such as:

    • yoga classes
    • mindfulness sessions or
    • fitness challenges

These activities are a good contributor in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and in fostering of a sense of community.

  • Pet-Friendly Policies

There is now more research findings around allowing employees to bring their pets to work. This early findings suggest that there are benefits and not only for the pet’s owner. In fact, pets can reduce stress and create a more relaxed and enjoyable work environment.

  • Professional Development Allowances

Apart from any internal development opportunities, providing an allowance for employees to attend conferences, workshops, or courses is another great way to support your employee’s growth and this often facilitates an increase in not only their skills but also their motivation and engagement.

  • Recognition Programs

This may involve employees in setting up such a program if one does not already exist or if it has fallen into non-use. Importantly once set up it needs to be consistently used. The idea is for the organisation’s recognition program to regularly offer an opportunity to all employees to celebrate their colleagues’ achievements and contributions. it can take on many different forms including:

    • awards
    • public acknowledgments or
    • personalised thank-you notes
  • Sustainability Initiatives

Many employees are either interested in or passionate about sustainability initiatives. Therefore, a workplace sustainability initiative such as:

    • recycling programs
    • community clean-up events or
    • green commuting incentives

can enhance the employees sense of purpose and pride in their work.

Social Responsibility and Purpose

Employees increasingly seek to work for companies that align with their values and contribute positively to society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, sustainability efforts, and community involvement can enhance employees’ sense of purpose and pride in their work.


Non-monetary components of remuneration are not just add-ons; they are essential elements that contribute to a holistic and fulfilling work experience. By offering a comprehensive package that includes these benefits, companies can attract top talent, foster loyalty, and create a motivated and engaged workforce. In today’s competitive job market, the value of these hidden gems cannot be overstated.

Let us know what are some of your non-monetary benefits that are found to be highly valued in your workplace.

How we can help you

Enterprise Care has been providing specialist NFP services across Australia for over 25 years.

With an operating environment undergoing constant change, engaging an independent specialist can provide focus to help you deliver a successful outcome, giving your organisation an edge over its competitors.

Please reach out by email for an initial chat. We would love to discuss how we can best support your organisation.

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DISCLAIMER: This article is general only in nature and is not advice.